Love, Your Mind
"Love, Your Mind" – a national campaign promoting open dialogue and proactive approaches to mental health, provides free online resources and will air mental health awareness PSAs. These PSAs will be featured on UEN-TV, so tune in!
Nearpod Summer PD Playlist
Join the Utah Nearpod Community's summer PD fun! Take courses, attend webinars, or share resources. Past Nearpod PD counts too! Earn points for a chance to win prizes
Teacher Tip: Using and Creating Podcasts in the Classroom
In today’s digital age, integrating modern tools like podcasts into the classroom can significantly enhance the learning experience. 
PDTV: Attending Your First Professional Conference
In this episode of UEN's PDTV, preservice teachers Aniston and Mallory reflect on their first professional conference at the Utah Coalition for Educational Technology (UCET) annual event.


Common Ground with Jane Whitney
Adversity: Anxiety's Rx - We're living in an era when optimism, inspiration and hope are as rare - and as luminescent - as multi-carat emeralds. The "sledgehammer effect"...


STEMonstrations are STEM demonstrations on the space station.


Standing Bear's Footsteps
"Standing Bear's Footsteps" is the story of an Indian chief who went to court to prove he was a person...and in the process redefined what it means...

NHK World-Japan

NHK Newsline
NHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.